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Saturday, December 27, 2008

Transformers 2 Star Shia LaBeouf News - New Movie Trailer Details and Extensive Hand Surgery

Watch TV on PC - 12,000 TV Channels and Movies The much anticipated sequel Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen has been completed and its release date has been announced to be on June 26th, 2009. Michael Bay, the director of this classic franchise movie, is known for releasing his high budget blockbuster films in the summer, when the money comes rolling in. IGN took this excellent photo of the release date event where the first trailer was featured - and you can even watch an exlusive clip of Bumblebee in the upcoming flim.

However, lead actor Shia LaBeouf, who plays protagonist Sam Witwicky, severely injured his hand in a car accident this summer. His injury had to be written into the script so the production could keep going, which was done by having his character injured in the movie's storyline as well. Thankfully, the film production wasn't halted - it only needed to be reworked because of Shia's hand injury. He is now preparing for his second surgery, which is needed to fully repair his thumb.

The 22 year old actor has been playing iconic roles consistently well and he has a good sense of knowing what scripts will make it big in the box office. However, It is no laughing matter because the damage has been observed to be large enough to hurt Shia's rising career. It caused him to drop out of his acting role in Dark Fields, a thriller adaptation of a 2002 novel written by Alan Glynn, which is set to be released in 2010. Medical technology is very advanced so it is likely LeBeouf will make a full recovery. It may keep him from acting temporarily but he has a high profile movie coming out in theaters next summer - Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen. The film will not only attract the hardcore fans of the Transformers series but also people who grew up during the 1980s and new fans that saw it for the first time on the big screen last year.

source Watch TV on PC - 12,000 TV Channels and Movies

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