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Thursday, April 9, 2009

Who Watches Who Walks Out of "Watchmen"?

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My Tribune colleague Chris Borrelli caught "Watchmen" over the weekend at the Davis in Lincoln Square, and while no two audiences respond to anything the same way...and plenty of people love the film...


Here's Mr. B.:

Never have I seen as many people walk out of a movie as I saw during a Saturday showing of “Watchmen.”

The couple behind me argued for 45 minutes about who was who and what was happening and why is that man blue and was this scene happening now or did these events happen in the past and, holy crap, why are we now on Mars; eventually, they gave up and laughed their way through the exit doors. (And they were not shushed.)

A father seated in front of me, accompanied by antsy young boys, shifted uncomfortably with every splatter of brain; he sank lower into his seat at the arrival of a nude Dr. Manhattan’s fully exposed Little Dr. Manhattan then gathered up his stuff and bolted during the fairly explicit sex between Night Owl and Silk Spectre in the back of the Owl Mobile – or whatever it’s called. (The movie is rated R.)

It’s hard to say exactly when the trickle became an exodus – but maybe a quarter of the theater walked.

Indeed, it appears this phenomenon is not unique to Chicago: An extensive report on described “mass walkouts” of a New York screening; and corey3rd on claims one-third of his audience bolted, too.

So did you notice an unusual number of walkouts at your screening? Or was the audience riveted? Howling in laughter? Snickering? Or stone silent and still, wrapped up in the story? Let us know.

source Watch TV on PC - 12,000 TV Channels and Movies

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